
Arthur Leroux, Chairman & CEO
and Antonin Pauchet, Deputy CEO

Our story, our commitments

Since they met on the benches of ENSAM ParisTech in Lille in 2005, the founding managers have been working to accelerate the ecological transition by proposing solutions that are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. ENOGIA, founded in 2009, designs and manufactures ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) systems, which convert heat into electricity, and air compressors for fuel cells.

Arthur Leroux, Chairman, “We develop and market innovative and differentiating solutions that help remove technological barriers in clean energy markets. We place our expertise, forged in French industrial excellence, at the service of the clean mobility of tomorrow.”


The company forms a community with its 60 employees, its clients and its historical partners, IFP Energies Nouvelles and FAURECIA, to develop and propose competitive and environmentally-friendly energy transition solutions.

ENOGIA thus shares its objective of making its technology accessible throughout the world, supports teaching and research in energy transition technologies and participates in promotion of the Cleantech sector, in particular by organising events for experts and companies to exchange on technologies.


Since its creation, ENOGIA has had a strong social and societal vision, in favour of equal opportunities, youth and diversity. The company, located in the northern districts of Marseille, is involved in the local ecosystem through numerous actions such as open days, internships, interventions in secondary schools and higher education, and action for employment. These actions not only benefit the local area but are also a source of motivation for the teams, which adhere to these strong values.

ENOGIA is notably a partner of Impact Jeunes, Apprentis d’Auteuil, Cap au Nord Entreprendre (, Dégun sans stage, and Massajobs


Following its listing on Euronext Growth in July 2021, the company has committed to respecting the MiddleNext code. Enogia has therefore set up a CSR committee to build and deploy an ambitious strategy in terms of social, environmental and corporate performance. It is composed of Antonin Pauchet, Deputy Managing Director, and two independent directors, Laurence Bricteux and Laurence Fontaine.

Our company is also committed to equality and diversity. We focus on parity, inclusion and respect for all our employees. We are also committed to young people, by offering internships and work-study programmes that enable us to detect tomorrow’s talent and make them aware of the ecological and energy transition.

Find our CSR policy statement here:


Find the documents relating to the conduct of business by Enogia here:


This set of long-term actions reflects both our business model and the importance we place on trust in the relationships we have with all our stakeholders.

Our story


Diversification into new business sectors for profitable growth

ENOGIA rapidly expands into the industrial, maritime, and geothermal sectors.

ENOGIA is a winner of the Renewable Energy Showcase at the National Eco-Business Forum organized by PEXE and ADEME at the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Bercy.


Significant improvements in operational efficiency

In early 2023, ENOGIA began implementing an operational efficiency plan aimed at achieving profitability through a reduction in fixed costs and an improvement in margins. The full impact of this plan is expected to be realized in 2024. Consequently, EBITDA is positive in the second half of the year, for the first time since the company’s IPO.

Capital increase of a total of €4.6 million. This fundraising is accompanied by the entry into the capital of Eric Blanc-Garin and Yazid Sabeg.

ENOGIA has been selected by STX Engine as a partner for its CO2 sequestration project.

Enogia wins the “Creative and Innovative SME” category of the RMC SME Trophies in the Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

Enogia signs a major geothermal contract in Taiwan with Taiwan Cement Corporation.


Winner of the Innovation Prize, La Provence

ENOGIA publishes its first Corporate Social Responsibility report

ENOGIA and Parlym join forces to accelerate the decarbonization of industry in France and Africa

ENOGIA joins the “sobriety commitment” of the charter developed by La French Tech and the digital ecosystem of the Green 20 program

ENOGIA wins the SMAC-FC call for projects for the development of Hydrogen compressors as part of the France 2030 investment programme

ENOGIA becomes the leading supplier of ORC modules in the German biogas market

ENOGIA creates with Ademe Investissement the Joint Venture ” ENOGIA assets Industry”


Ramp-up of the hydrogen activity and strengthening of R&D teams

Winner of the Choiseul award, South of France 

ENOGIA earns its place among the top 500 Growth Champions. Les Echos

ENOGIA joins the FT 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies ranking. Financial Times, Statista

July 14 Enogia is listed on Euronext Growth Paris


Signature of distribution contracts in Asia and Europe

2019 Montgolfier award from the Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale

2019 Best International Acceleration award. 11th National Awards Ceremony of SME and intermediate-size leaders of global business. MOCI & CCI Ile de France


Development of compressors for fuel cells starts, commercial success in ORC

2018 Low-Carbon Prize, 6th edition of the Trophées Export des Eco-Entreprises. ADEME, BPI, Business France

2018 Winner of the Total Développement prize

2017 Winner of the Energy & Greentech prize. Deloitte in Extenso Technology Fast 50

2017 Winner of the start-up category of the Trophées de la Transition Energétique. l’Usine Nouvelle


Development of the range of micro-turbomachinery and ORC modules

Winner of the French Tech Pass

Biogaz d’Or Innovation Prize, Biogaz Europe trade fair

French Tech Cleantech of the Year award, presented by Finance Minister Emmanuel Macron

Enterprise & Environment Coup de cœur du Jury. ADEME, BPI, French Ministry of Ecology


Sets up in Marseille, marketing of the first micro-turbomachinery for ORC

Special Jury Award, Cleantech Republic

Prix Henri Fabre Prize for Science and Technology, Académie des Sciences de Marseille


Creation of the company, development of the first micro-turbomachinery

19, Avenue Paul Héroult
13015 Marseille - FRANCE
+33 (0)4 84 25 60 17